Winding Down 2020

 20 December 2020

This certainly has felt like a long year. Things at 'The Ole' Phillips Place' have slowed down this last month, what with the holidays, arrival of colder weather, and more rain. Similar to last year, our local paper reports that we are over 21" above normal rainfall for the year. No wonder it's so muddy around here!

We have started clearing all the overgrown vegetation in our front yard, paying particular attention to trying to get rid of all the Privet. I've left short sections of trunk sticking up in the hopes that we will be able to use them to pull the stumps out of the ground later.

We also finally got some replacement glass for the transom window over the door to the study. We didn't want plain glass, and we decided against stained glass since this spot doesn't get enough light to make it worthwhile, so Amy picked out some nice patterned glass. I fabricated some new glazing stops and put it in.

We have also turned my attention back to the study mantel. Amy ordered a new beveled edge mirror and I have started fabricating a new mantel shelf and corbels. We will try to duplicate the faux finish on the new parts once we have them in place. Previously they had used nails driven in around the perimeter to hold the back of the mirror. I decided to cut some thin wood strips instead. Some beaded trim, which we will re-use will hold the mirror in place from the front.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes. The transom is attached by two rods or screws placed in the center of the two sides and flips like a paddle wheel.


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